Danny Boyle – the director of slumdog – said at a recent award function “This movie is a love note to Mumbai”. Tonight’s the 4th time that I have sat through this movie. It was not disgust that I felt when Jamal – the main protagonist – jumped into a pit of human shit on hearing that Amitabh Bachchan’s helicopter had landed nearby. It was not pity that I felt when Jamal tells the police officer that “If not for Allah and Ram, I would still have a mother”. But through each sitting, I felt cramps in my stomach. I felt as if, there was a human corpse in my cupboard. But I chose to ignore the stench whenever I’m at home. I chose to ignore the half rotting flesh whenever I opened my cupboard to get dressed. I not only shut out my sense of smell or touch or sight but I also shut out my mind.